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The Jesus Journals

These journals are written from the heart and voice of Jesus in the hearer's prayer time. Jesus is always speaking and wants YOU to learn to hear His voice too. Check out the Christian scriptures in parentheses to hear more from Him. 

Begin with the "Jesus' words"  tab on Day 1 to read the first message. We hope they encourage you on your journey to hear Christ's voice!

Home: Welcome

Manna Moments

Jesus primarily feeds our hungry hearts with words of encouragement from  the Bible and in His Church, but He still speaks to willing listeners too.


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Home: What We Do

God is speaking to you...

Why the Jesus Journals?

The king and savior of the world, Jesus,  came humbly to live among us over 2000 years ago. He spoke in human words then; but He has always spoken through creation, His people, and the Holy Scriptures.

He was born in a manger to the Jewish virgin Mary, our mother. As Eve led the entire human race into sin, Mary freely gave her "yes" to God's plan for humanity and gave us Jesus. Unlike any other religion, His birth was foretold for many years before he was born and so were his ministry and death. His first and second coming as well as everything in between, are written about in Holy Scriptures (the Bible)  and are inspired by His Spirit. the Holy Spirit of God lives in the world today in the hearts of all who believe in the Creator: Father God, Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit. We must believe, love, and follow Him and His ways with all of our hearts. 

Jesus is speaking to and returning to our world and when He does, He is not going to be in a manger anymore. As a merciful judge, Jesus is allowing a time of trial and miracles to come upon the earth. These trials will separate true children of God from those who love the world and self more than Him. 

Eventually, peace will come like never before to the earth, but soon patience, love, and courage will be needed like never before.  Those who hear and understand the current events are those who call Jesus their God and king right now, during their brief time on earth. Those are the ones who will hear His voice when He speaks. Those who do not, will one day soon bend their knees to Him as well. 

Before Jesus Christ intervenes definitively and before His return to earth, there will be much suffering and confusion on earth, even among those who believe in Him,  During these trials, He will make His voice and power known like never before. If you cling to Him with all of your heart, then He will not abandon you. He will lead you along your journey and you will know He is real and YOU will hear His voice. 

You were born for such a time as this; you were born to hear His voice and follow after Him. He knows your heart and wants to be with you forever. Nothing is more important than hearing and following Jesus right now. Pray, read Scripture, meditate on His words, love others and forget self, talk to other believers in Him! He is waiting for YOU! 

Home: Who We Are

John 16:33

 "I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”...Jesus

Home: Quote
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