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Day 12

My child, it is Me. The words on the page are Me. My Spirit is one. You are at peace when you are with Me in prayer, reading My Spirit on a page, because I am in those pages with you, My love. You know this is true, that I speak through My Church and My Word. I am the Word so why would I not speak to you like this? (John 1:1)

I will give you clear direction in dealing with the messes of your life (Mt. 4:16). Follow the leadings of peace. If an action or word is healthy and protective, you will feel peace about it. Don’t listen to a fear response, not ever. It is never of faith, fear cannot exist with love.  (1 John 4:18)

You are all worthy of love and just because someone does not voice certain thoughts or feelings of love does not mean they don’t feel them.  Be joyful and peaceful about love. It is a great gift.

Don’t let fears spoil your love, fears that others may feel or think a certain bad thing about you or that this or that will happen. Tell fear to leave because you are Mine and I am with you and “perfect love casts away fear" (1 Jn. 4:18).

Day 12: Services
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