Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 2
I love when you pray for My children and for those who are not near to Me to come near. I love nothing as much as My children's’ coming to Me. When you witness a child on a playground run to her caretaker when hurt or seeking connection, this is what I want from you, a humble coming to Me. Just come. I love when you lay at My feet and let your tears flow to Me. I alone can protect your heart; you are not sufficient yet you are growing more efficient. You have always been My little love and I have watched you fret- so filled with so many emotions.
Do not tremble, little heart, all things in their time and season. Do you not see how the seasons change (Ecc. 1-13)? Before you know it the whole mood and atmosphere in the world is changed each season. I tell you only what you need to know for the next season. I am not silent. All things, aloneness, weeping, tears, silence, all things are working toward the next moment. Your life is set in motion. Just keep walking with Me. Trust Me, you are not blind. No one is blind that walks with Me. Wisdom to know is given to the humble, the childlike (Mk. 10:15), the shepherded. Stay that way; become that way.
I can call you “little heart” because compared to Mine, yours is so small, though it feels so big and heavy to you. I carry your heart in Mine. Do not fear, fight fear and it will leave. It is not for My little brave hearts to fear when I am so near. You are Mine and precious to Me. I love you and that it all that you need. It is enough (2 Cor. 12:10).