Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 20
There is beauty and light in abundance in My presence. It is a perfect prescence. “Do not fear” is a command throughout Holy Scripture and is My constant reminder to you. If you stay in the beauty and peace of My presence, you cannot fear. As you move from Me, you move towards fear and worry and anxiety. If there is one thing My followers must learn it is to stay in the NOW OF MY PRESENCE. I cannot say enough that in My presence everything happens. The seeing and deliberating between light and dark in your lives must be done in My presence. So must discerning truth from lies. Humility is grown in the presence of My holiness, kindness, and gentleness. Do you see the mercy I show by inviting you into My presence in the first place? The world needs My presence: you, little heart, need My presence. Often and all day long, bring your little heart to My big one. Do not hold on to yesterday nor project into the future, your own thoughts. Live where I am. I am in the now.
You have said before that you know I am not silent. You are right, because you know this, I speak to you. But how veiled I must be for your ears to hear Me (2 Cor. 4:3-5). One day it will not be so and we will see each other face to face. Until then, seek My presence and tell others to come to Me. How I speak to them and what I do from there is not your concern. I love nothing more than My children coming to Me. I enjoy the transformation of My sons and daughters into greater holiness so that our dwelling together can be permanent. It is not that I cast anyone away from dwelling with Me in heaven, it is that one must choose heaven and choose to walk with Me. One must choose to dwell with Me. I long for the lost to come to Me. I wait patiently for them (Lk. 15:11-32).