Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 22
Old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions (Jl. 2:28). Whoever loses their life for Me will find it" (Mt. 16:25). Open your eyes here and now and sit in My presence. What do you see?
You must pray children, with calm and belief. If you do, you will silence and close the mouths of lions. Where My early followers where overcome and ravaged, you will stop and silence lions as a witness to Me. I want My children with Me. I deplore the enemy’s snatching of them. As many times as you fall you will rise, just like the cross…I warn the enemy… that causing My children to fall and suffer will only precipitate a greater rising.
"I am My beloveds’ and they are Mine." "Many waters cannot quench love nor rivers wash it away." (Song of Solomon) Come and believe My children. Do not ask Me to contend with you as I did in the days of Noah (Gn. 6:3). I continually contend with man. Put away your sin. Make My heart joyous; make My heart glad. Do not sin and make Me contend with you too. Give My weary, loving, all- gracious heart a rest. Come to Me and bring many, all that you ask of Me, with you by your faith.
It is not always easy to know who My warriors are in this life but I will lead you to each other. Do not be surprised if I send some you do not expect. I so delight in the unexpected! It humbles men to be faced with things they could not imagine or dream up themselves (Pv. 10:8).