Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 26
Do not forget that I see into your heart and read your very thoughts. If I can live with the thoughts of all men, then I can live with yours. In your thought life, do not stop on thoughts of fear, go from hope to next hope, from faith to next faith. Do this in your thought life. Yes, thoughts have a life of their own and give off life or death. You are seeing this. All battles are within what the mind decides to think and reflect upon. You will the thoughts that you become.
What will it hurt you to only think happy thoughts and the moment a bad thought crosses your mind, to discard it and replace it with hope and love? “Whatever is good, true and excellent…think about those things.’ (Phil. 4:8)
I am supremely merciful and "slow to anger and abounding in love. " (Psalm 103) Beautiful gifts await you as you think upon My goodness. Those thoughts will bring you much joy.
You will soon know. Answers often come late so that faith has a chance to grow and do its perfect work in you. Faith is the beauty of a soul trusting Me. It cannot hurt a human being to trust its creator; the CREATOR knows best the inner workings of its creation. So trust Me and love and laugh and love some more.
Don’t expect of yourself what I don’t. I take care of you. You are more sensitive and fragile than many; so I will have different plans for you. It is ok to be light and to be at peace and enjoy what you do. When the world doesn’t understand you, I do. You are known, you are called, you are loved…lover of My heart. All is good because I am good. Love, love, love and love some more.