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Volunteers Cleaning

Day 4

I can touch and heal your wounds (Is. 53:5). I know and have known they are there; they contain scars that are real and deep. But every one of them can be healed; each and every wound cast to Me can be healed (1 Peter 5:7). I am the only one who can do anything with the smelly, ugly scars. I know you and you know by now that you cannot heal yourself. There must be abandonment to Me.  You have said before that you know I am a healer. Then watch Me heal and see how beautifully I do it and feel how much you are cherished.

 You have not always felt protected by Me. Not rescuing from ensuing hardships, one I love is a risk I take because love and healing, you will see, is worth it.

  Be healed My love, be whole. All of the fearful roads, all of the painful paths have led to this moment. I am sorrowed that it has hurt so much and you have cried out and believed My delay was denial. I love you.  You know that I do, feel it in the deepest fibers of your being. Feel it in the air, the grass, in your lover’s eyes. Feel it in the Church who embraces you with TRUTH that I lead you back to. An imperfect Church, but mine nonetheless. Are you surprised at its imperfections when you know your own? 

 When the devil pulls you in with fear and lies, say, “I am healed in Jesus' name.” My son has all power and strength and glory. Yes, your Loving Father, who made you beautifully, speaks to you. My speaking is always a gesture of love…a continual revealing of love.

  I am willing to heal you. I am not only willing, I have orchestrated it. Be healed and go out and become a healer yourself. Your loving Father has healed you out of mercy. Go and do the same. Your Father sends you. Go in peace, My love.

  I know that I seem cruel and harsh at times, but love is behind all that happens. The cross always reveals greater mercy, greater love. If it were not so, why would I allow a cross for one I love?

Day 4: Services
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