Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!

Day 41
You give fear too much power. It is a puff of a dragon, a puff in the wind. Fear has no power but what you give it. Instead, take the power that is yours-to love without fear. Tell fear to leave and it must. You can render it silent.
Walk a tightrope with your fearful thoughts. Stay on the narrow path; stay guarded. Do not act as the thought police for someone else, patrolling around to see if someone is lying to you or hiding something or has good motives or not. Is there something someone did not tell you? Have as much passion against overly emotional fear thoughts as you do other things. You are often attacked in this life in your thought life by one doubt after another about yourself and about Me.
Take a rest from doubt. Live and walk in the certainty of My love. It is a much sweeter way to live. What is for certain? That I love you deeply.