Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 42
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and My Spirit rejoices in My Savior for He has looked with mercy on My lowliness and his name shall be forever exalted.” (Luke 1:46-56)
There is a time for lowliness, to feel the heavy weight of sinful humanity and to feel low, but My followers are meant to feel this to give mercy to a dying, hurting world. They are not to linger in despair that turns to depression because “I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Now, yesterday and today.
All the demons who tell lies to you and others will be silent in My name. If you refuse to listen to it, evil cannot prevail in the world. This is why I have commanded you to take every thought captive in obedience to Me. Hold your thoughts up to the light which is: Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit in our Word, for accurate interpretation you must go to My church alone. I work through many churches and wherever I am preached, I show up, but when discrepancies arise, there is one deposit of all matters of faith and morals.
In resisting the devils you must know the Word and you must silence them at the onset. Forgiveness is the way out of every big and little offense done by one creature to another. Forgiveness is the only way, the only path to light and love and freedom. Forgiveness is the only thing that allows love to keep reviving in My broken world. Without it there would be no life or breath.