Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 52
Opposition is real to My plans for My children. Pride in self and Satan’s pride in his plans thwart Me. It is a battle in your world. But I am in control.
That is why you must be little warriors. Each of you faithful to the call I place in your life and heart.
I am largely a mystery to you. Now you see Me dimly as through a mist, but you know I am there. You see only an outline of Me, but you see Me. Despite the little you see at times, God is great. I do have all things in My control.
Think of everything that speaks to, opens, reaches, softens the heart. Children react automatically to the heart – think of the goodness of the heart. Sadly, children also fear. This is normal too. Words one hears as a child has much to do with that child’s emotions and beliefs. Words bring goodness. Words cause fear. Words create atmospheres – how they are spoken – with harshness of gentleness – with truth or lies.
Work with words. This is your medium and Mine. Of course, there is much more.
Turn towards Me and look at Me. Teach My world to do the same. Then you can reflect My greatness back to the world. Your love and words are not enough. They never have been…never will be. The world needs ME – its maker. When will they grow tired and weary of themselves and turn to Me?