Jesus is still speaking and He wants to speak to you!
Day 59
Wounds are deep. Healing is real and can be deep too. But as My many healings in Scripture show, the healed sought healing, they humbled themselves to show Me their want and need.
You have observed those who want healing, lay down their lives then take them back again. One takes back the life she has given to Me because loss of the “mask or ego self” is too much to bear. The loss of the masked self is painful; joy must accompany death to self if one is to continue on the journey. If one would hold on a bit longer after the ego begins to die, there would be much freedom and joy. My followers quit too early. Don’t interfere with the joy, keep praying; keep hope alive in your heart.
You will sometimes be a casualty of the war in death to self for others. Sometimes My followers will be asked to lay their lives for others’ healing- your life is being spent on love often. I can and will comfort you until you are stronger in this process of death to ego self. Dying to oneself, if that self is in Me, is always worth the cost.
There is glory after the dying. There is always the resurrection after one has endured.